Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Group, Jessica, Rena, Marie, Nathan. Driving forces,

For our group we each came up with 2 driving forces as follows:

Nathan Jacowitz contributed,

Predetermined driving force:

I see a predetermined driving force in mobile communication technology. It is clear to me that there is a current trend which is moving our telephone and computer communication to small, mobile and portable devices at a rapid rate. In the future cell phones, mp3 players, lap top computers and text message portables will only get smaller, lighter and carry more features. Over the next 10 years we will see more cell phones and portable communication devices spring onto the scene. The I-phone made by Apple is the newest in this portable family.

Critical Uncertainty driving force:

Along the same lines of my predetermined driving force, I see a critical uncertainty in portable communications today. The ability to communicate no matter where you are is a huge driving force. I believe that this force will eventually spawn the need to communicate to anyone, no matter what language they speak, anywhere and any time. In the next 10 years there might appear a portable master translator device that is able to voice recognize major languages and translate them on the spot into the language of your choice. It might appear as a cell phone or future on an already popular communications device.

Jessica Jordan contributed,

Driving Forces:
1. Graduation of more women.
2. Space Travel and Study Abroad

Predetermined Element: Graduation of more women.
Statistically speaking, no days it has become more evident that more women are obtaining a degree from college verses men. in addition, women are more likely to earlier or on schedul compared to men and are therefore entering the workforce faster and more frequently. As a result, it may be possible that male dominated careers open up to omen that in turn changes the hierarchy of sexes in the working world. Moreover, an organizational environment may be affected and need to adapt to this new transition present in its workings.

Critical Uncertainty: Space Travel and Study Abroad
Space travel 5-15 years from now may be available to shuttle privileged people on space tours. The experience and interest gained from such trips may trigger further space explorations and contribute to new ways of thinking relayed back to the general population. As a result, study abroad services in space may become available and spawn more modern worldviews among students that in turn encourage the development of space schools.

Marie-Josée Demers contributed,

Driving forces (family)

The switching of school education to family education
Personal computers and Internet make access to information easier. It is also true in terms of education. Now children have acces to different tools from their laptops or PCs. This sets new bases for education in the sense that it can now provide students with online education ressources and because parents accord value to family education. On one side certain factors encourage the emergence of such a trend (like low costs of laptops, the revolution of online learning, broad éventail of tools disponible, etc.) but on the other side, other factors tend to limit this trend ( like parents’ disponibility and will to take the time to help their child, lost of a class environment, etc) this is why I think this driving force is a critical incertainty.

Source: http://scenariothinking.org/wiki/index.php/THE_SWITCHING_OF_SCHOOL_EDUCATION_TO_FAMILY_EDUCATION

Same-sex marriage

With same-sex marriage being legal in more and more countries in the world, the cliché of a typical family can’t be applied to all households anymore. The gay community tends to be a new target marget for different kinds of products. The industry of marriage itself is redefined by the different needs and expectations of an homosexual couple. I think this driving force is a predeterminated element since gay marriage is a human rights matter whose’s being more and more acknowledged and respected.

Source : www.trendwatching.com/trends/pinkprofits.htm

Rena Blake contributed,

Driving Forces:

1. One driving force in regards to agriculture could be the situation involving immigration.

2. Another driving force may include the competition between larger farms and smaller farms(farmers markets).

(they both can be tied into one another)

Predetermined Element:

The book discusses "efforts to fight both racism and sexism on the way to establishing economic parity"pg. 25. I feel this is essential in dealing with problems with immigration in the United States. While the Economy is currently benefiting from the work of laboring immigrants on farms, at some point the issue will need to be handled differently.

Critical Uncertainty:

The book talks about the relation between I and we(our community and or social groups)in chapter 2. Going back the issue of immigration, if the illegal immigrants gain citizenship they will no longer have to work for slave wages. We do not know what outcome is to be expected from all of this. However the work still needs to be done. Wages could possibly be increased, or the need for man may become obsolete and machinery will then take over. Foresight is definitely necessary in either case.

We chose the two that we would be working on for our project. We chose:

Predetermined Element: Graduation of more women.
Statistically speaking, no days it has become more evident that more women are obtaining a degree from college verses men. in addition, women are more likely to earlier or on schedul compared to men and are therefore entering the workforce faster and more frequently. As a result, it may be possible that male dominated careers open up to omen that in turn changes the hierarchy of sexes in the working world. Moreover, an organizational environment may be affected and need to adapt to this new transition present in its workings.

Critical Uncertainty driving force:
Along the same lines of my predetermined driving force, I see a critical uncertainty in portable communications today. The ability to communicate no matter where you are is a huge driving force. I believe that this force will eventually spawn the need to communicate to anyone, no matter what language they speak, anywhere and any time. In the next 10 years there might appear a portable master translator device that is able to voice recognize major languages and translate them on the spot into the language of your choice. It might appear as a cell phone or future on an already popular communications device.

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