Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Errin Poston Ch 2-3

The Foundations of Dialogue; Self, Other and Context was very intersting. I noticed how people tend to use the words "I" and "me" so freely without realizing it's importance. Isenberg et.al, describes how "I" is more personal, introverted and desires meaningful interactions with others, while "me" is more extorverted/ a people person and open with others.
In addition, the reading suggest that, "People who consistently speak badly about others often reveal thier own negative self-concept. Conversly, people who generelly speak well of others may have a positive self-concept." (p 43) This statement is very true, unfortunately it took me a while to realize that unhappy people are bitter and will do anything to bring you down to their level. Overall, I think when a person is happy with themsleves it shows in thier interaction with people.

Ch 3
In the reading, James Scott discussed hidden transcripts which are defined as, "...Themes and arguments that are well known by members of oppressed group but kept out of the public eye for fear out of reprisal form those in power." (p 69) Slave songs today are also known as the blues and in my opinion gospel music. Another gospel hymn, "Pass me not..." is also a popular hidden transcript that slaves also sung during thier grueling experince. This relates to organizational communication because the slaves were considered thier own organization, so therefore thier songs were often translated as conversation with not only God, but fellow slaves taht understood the "hidden message".

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